The following should only serve as suggestions (or perhaps a warning - see #8 - when INTP don't educate themselves or capitalize on their natural abilities at abstraction and problem solving). Charles Martin, the researcher that compiled the following two lists admonishes the reader to "... remember that you are the expert on who you are and what your type preferences are ..."

Careers Selected Most Often by INTP -

1) Scientist: Chemistry
2) Computer Professional
3) Architect
4) Research Assistant
5) Fine Artist
6) Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Support Representative
7) Lawyer
8) Food Service Worker
9) Surveyor
10) Manager: Federal Executive
11) Social Scientist
12) Electronic Technician
13) Scientist: Biology
14) Writer or Journalist
15) Photographer
16) Psychologist
17) Scientist: Life or Physical
18) Actor
19) Computer Operations or Systems Researcher
20) Pharmacist
21) Respiratory Therapist
22) Editor
23) Judge
24) Business: General, Self-Employed
25) Physician: Pathology
26) Suicide or Crisis Counselor
27) Legal Secretary
28) Engineering or Science Technician
29) Engineer; All Categories
30) Counselor: Runaway Youth
31) Allied Health or Health Practitioner
32) Storekeeper
33) Attorney: Administrator, Non-Practicing
34) Dentist
35) Physician: Psychiatry
36) Physician: All Specialties
37) Factory or Site Supervisor
38) Electrician
39) Management Consultant
40) Public Relations Worker or Publicity Writer
41) Engineer: Electrical or Electronic
42) Engineer: Aeronautical
43) Teacher: University
44) City Works Technician
45) Laboratory Technologist or Technician
46) Machine Operator
47) Occupational Therapist
48) Artist or Entertainer
49) Administrator: College or Technical Institute
50) Electrical or Electronic Engineering Technician

Careers Selected Least Often by INTP -

1) Director of Religious Education
2) Consultant: Education
3) Home Management Advisor or Home Economist
4) Dental Hygienist
5) Manager: Fire
6) Cleaning Service Worker
7) Military Officer or Enlistee
8) Religious Educator: All Denominations
9) Corrections Officer
10) Typist
11) Small Business Manager
12) Teacher Aide
13) Priest
14) Hairdresser or Cosmetologist
15) Teacher: Reading
16) School Principal
17) Health Education Practitioner
18) Library Attendant
19) Sales Manager
20) Marketing Professional

"Looking at Type and Careers," Charles Martin, Phd, Center for Applications of Psychological Type, 1995. ISBN 0-935652-25-6

Career satisfaction lies in doing what you enjoy. The following are suggested as areas that allow INTP to use their naturally ingenious problem solving abilities, however you must use those same abilities to discover what you enjoy most.

Careers Considered Most Likely To Be Enjoyed by INTP -

Health Care/Technical

*Pharmaceutical researcher
*Biomedical engineer/researcher


*Intellectual property attorney
*Legal mediator
*Corporate financial attorney
Financial analyst


College teacher of advanced students
College faculty administrator


*Information graphics designer

Planning And Development

*Systems Analyst/data base manager
*Information services developer - computer programming
*Network integration specialist (telecommunications)
*Change management consultant
*Financial planner
*Investment banker
*Management consultant: computer/information services, marketing, reorganization
Computer software developer
Computer programmer
Research and development specialist
Strategic planner
New Market or product conceptualizer

* projected to have specially high growth

"Do What You Are," Paul Tieger & Barbra Barron-Tieger, 2nd Ed., Little, Brown, and Company, 1993. ISBN 0-316-845522-1